- Posted on: 2020-12-03

When we began the design of our platform many years ago, we were determined to offer faster and easier LabVIEW code development. A typical pain for developers working on the control software is that to make a change in their custom solution, they need to interrupt the entire application. Afterwards, returning the test system to the previous state in order to test the code change could take multiple minutes. Very inefficient when you need to try 5 different solutions.
Thanks to the architecture of Symplify, each driver runs independently from other pieces, communicating only through Tags. This means that if DAQ driver requires a change, or if you want to add a few commands to the exchange with your embedded device, you can easily interrupt that VI specifically:

By relying on a standard control, rather than the LabVIEW “Abort” button, a VI can properly close any reference, push recent value to files, update Tags, etc.
While this VI is sitting idle, it can be modified while the rest of the application is still executing: scripts are being parsed, any PID control loop continues, graph and logging can be used, etc. Your short interruption to fix a typo in a command or add some variables to a local Front Panel is really just 15 seconds and as soon as you Run this VI again, the test continues, virtually uninterrupted. Pressures, flows, temperatures, currents, most test conditions can stay so there is no time lost reconfiguring every value again.
Of course, this is not something you should be doing on a regular basis or on the production floor. Synovus recommends that all ATS running “real” tests be launched from code that was compiled and released following a standard process!
Another way that Symplify helps you accelerate your innovation!
Contact us to know more or watch some videos here