- Posted on: 2021-06-16

If you are like most companies, you know what needs to be improved but there is never enough time and company resources to make those highly valuable, but not urgent updates (“Quadrant 2” items if we use Stephen Covey’s terms). When it comes to automated testing, these savings usually represent millions of dollars, it helps the entire engineering group focus on development rather than troubleshooting and support, let alone the benefits of going to market months earlier and capturing a larger market share.
Therefore, the problem is a vicious circle where lack of good information keeps the same people busy that should work on improving the processes. How can Synovus and Symplify™ solve that problem without risk to you? Hire an intern next semester.
We tried this approach in early 2021 and we had great success. With a coop/intern student spending half of their time automating the testing with Symplify™ and our direct support, they can quickly build the flow that works for your company and interact with your engineers as they address real communication or behavior issues with your products. Under our coaching and with all the tools already available in Symplify™, the coop doesn’t have to worry much about software development but rather focuses on your technology, making them more valuable future hires since they understand the various electro-mechanical, software and firmware aspects of your core business focus.
Once better information is available, typically within 3-5 weeks, the coop is also the best person to run the multiple tests that the engineers will invariably require from them. Their hourly rate being a lot less expensive for the company, building any mechanical jigs or making electrical connections for test setups are a great use of their time. As long as we can meet with them twice a week, our project engineers will make sure that their development scales with a focus on automated and unattended validations.
Contact our sales engineers to fully understand our processes and set realistic targets to complete within the next 4 months.